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Archive for "Crafts"

Lasers in Engraving and 3D Printing

November 17th, 2014

I almost can’t apologize enough for not posting this sooner. I peruse Kickstarter often whenever I’m looking for the latest in technology. Sometimes I get lucky, but more often than not I find something after the campaign ended, with no update from the creator for years afterwords. This time, I had an idea, hoping to […]


Posted in computer-related, Crafts, design, information, updates

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3D Printer Update

November 20th, 2012

Way cool new news! Solidoodle has announced their Solidoodle 3 with their 8 inch^3 print space for $799! “What about Makerbot’s new Replicator 2? How does it compare?” I guess it depends on how big you need to print. Rep2’s print space is a whopping 11.2 inch x 6 inch x 6.1 inch. However, Rep2’s […]


Posted in computer-related, Crafts, design


3D Printing Cheaper Options

November 13th, 2012

What do I know about 3D Printing? Do you have a comprehensive list of what’s out there and cheap? Well, I’m no expert, but I can definitely share some of the research and news I’ve got! First and foremost, I follow this directory right here: http://www.3dprinter.net/directory/personal-3d-printers That’s the one that is kept pretty up to […]


Posted in computer-related, Crafts, design


Vinyl Decals, Now Available!

April 20th, 2012

Hooray for new equipment! We, I mean, I have acquired a Silhouette Cameo capable of vinyl cutting. My history of working with vinyl plotters has been reactivated, and viola! I present to you the very first Em2a Cartoon vinyl decal: For the record, I don’t remember tiny letters being that big of a pain in […]


Posted in comic-related, computer-related, Crafts, design, information, updates

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Creative Humdingers

December 12th, 2011

I’ve been crafting. I’ve also been selling said crafts to make room for new crafts. Yay!


Posted in art, Crafts, updates
